Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns in CS2

A guide about Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem patterns in CS2

Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem patterns in CS2

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Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns in CS2

A guide about Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem patterns in CS2

Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem patterns in CS2

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Case Hardeneds are very sought after in the CS2 skins community and the newest Case Hardened addition is for the t-side smg Mac-10. There are 1000 different Case Hardened patterns and in this guide we show you the best Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem pattern in CS2. The Mac-10 Blue Gem patterns are ranked on the amount of blue, animation inspect as well as holding in-game.


Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem Patterns in CS2 are:


  • Tier 1: Pattern #95
  • Tier 1: Pattern #19
  • Tier 1: Pattern #251


We hope that we could help you find your desired Mac-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem pattern and wish you a great rest of your day.

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