Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about how to practice Grenades in CS2.
Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about how to practice Grenades in CS2.
For most beginners, aiming getting kills and headshots or cool trick-shots might be what they think makes a great player, however aim and kill farming only gets you to a certain skill level. If you really want to improve your gameplay you need to make sure to focus on Utility usage, one of the most important factor in CS2.
But you can not just left click throw a smoke or a molly and expect to have a great lineup, you got to actually practise your utility. Today's guide shows you how to practice smokes, flashes and nades in CS2.
First make sure to load a map against bots and type bot_kick in your console to remove all bots.
Make sure to copy and paste these following commands, as they will help you set up your practice server in the possible way to practice smokes, flashes and nades in CS2.
After pasting all of these commands you will have a great setup to get your smoke practice going. If you would like to know more about practicing smokes or how to use and find great lineups, make sure to check out the full guide downbelow.
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