Find the most interesting facts about DreamHack 2013 Souvenir stickers in this feature.
by @SuroxCS
Welcome to (one of) the biggest DreamHack 2013 guide there is! We're going to dive deep into CS:GO's first major, and give you a complete overview of it's unique souvenirs, from a collector's perspective. In addition, a plethora of previously private/hidden information concerning topics like the Valve pre-event tests, the glitched "no text" M249 Gator Mesh and more, is detailed in this piece.
No souvenir collector worth their salt ignores the historical context of their souvenirs. To that end, this guide also serves as a timeline of the Dreamhack 2013 Major, to better understanding what makes these items truly special & unique. Make yourself comfortable and dive deep into our guide! However much you know about this major, you'll surely learn a lot here!
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