Best Talon Knife Black Pearl Patterns in CS2

A guide about the best Talon Knife Black Pearl patterns

Find the most interesting facts about Talon Black Pearl patterns

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Via Steam

Best Talon Knife Black Pearl Patterns in CS2

A guide about the best Talon Knife Black Pearl patterns

Find the most interesting facts about Talon Black Pearl patterns

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Via Steam

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This guide is all about the different Talon Knife Black Pearl patterns and Tierlist. The guide is written by @CptnKra, wkenho stated that he wrote the guide because he loves all Talon Knife Black Pearls and wanted to help people differentiate between the best Glacier patterns and give an overall Tierlist of Talon Knife Black Pearls. Many sellers try to trick their buyers into wrongly priced Black Pearls and this guide should help them find the best Talon Black Pearl patterns as well as its different Tiers.


Let’s head straight into the most important information provided by this guide. The Talon Knife Black Pearl best Glacier patterns are:


  • Pattern #461
  • Pattern #357
  • Pattern #656


For more patterns and different tiers make sure to check out the full guide provided beneath. If you are interested in more CS2 content, make sure to check out our other guides to master your skin knowledge.

Best Talon Black Pearl Patterns in CS2

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