Best M9 Marble Fade Max Red Tip Pattern in CS2

A guide about the best M9 Marble Fade Red Tip patterns in CS2

Find the most interesting facts about the M9 Marble Fade and red tip patterns in CS2

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Best M9 Marble Fade Max Red Tip Pattern in CS2

A guide about the best M9 Marble Fade Red Tip patterns in CS2

Find the most interesting facts about the M9 Marble Fade and red tip patterns in CS2

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Via Steam

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Another great guide written by @CptnKraken, who this time focused on writing a guide about M9 Bayonet Marble Fade max red tip patterns. He took a decisive look at all M9 Bayonet Marble Fade factory new patterns and sorted them based on their red tip, excluding the fading into orange patterns.


Without any more delay let’s take a closer look into the best M9 Bayonet Marble Fade max red tip patterns:


  • Pattern #34
  • Pattern #256
  • Pattern #403


The patterns are not ranked, as most of them have only small visible differences, for a further look into all the other Tier 1 M9 Marble Fade max red tip patterns, take a look at the full guide provided down below and for further CS2 related content, check out the rest of 

M9 Marble Fade best patterns CS2

Buy M9 Marble Fade

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