Bayonet Marble Fade Best Fire & Ice Patterns

A guide about what the best Bayonet Marble Fire & Ice patterns are

Look through the guide to find the most beautifuel Bayonet Marble Fade Fire & Ice Patterns.

by @p0c

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Bayonet Marble Fade Best Fire & Ice Patterns

A guide about what the best Bayonet Marble Fire & Ice patterns are

Look through the guide to find the most beautifuel Bayonet Marble Fade Fire & Ice Patterns.

by @p0c

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In this guide we show you the best Bayonet Marble Fade Fire & Ice patterns, written by @p0c. Fire and Ice patterns are incredibly popular within the CS2 community and out of all the fake patterns that are out there, here are the Best Bayonet Marble Fade Fire & Ice patterns:


  • Pattern #412 (Tier 1)
  • Pattern #541, #241, #16 … (Tier 2)
  • Pattern #628, #792, #152 … (Tier 3)


We hope you learned something new about Marble Fade patterns and hope that we helped you find CS2’s best Bayonet Marble Fade Fire & Ice pattern.

Bayonet Marble Fade Fire and Ice Patterns

Buy a Bayonet Marble Fade

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