Specialist Gloves Fade Full Fade patterns

A guide about the Max Fade Specialist Gloves

Find the most interesting facts about the Specialist Gloves Fade as well as the Specialist Gloves Fade Full Fade pattern in CS2.

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Specialist Gloves Fade Full Fade patterns

A guide about the Max Fade Specialist Gloves

Find the most interesting facts about the Specialist Gloves Fade as well as the Specialist Gloves Fade Full Fade pattern in CS2.

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Not only fade knives look stunning but also their matching gloves are amazing and both share the same distinct fade look. In this guide written by @CrystalChris , we show you what is considered to best the best max Fade Specialist Gloves in CS2.


What are the best max Fade Specialist Gloves in CS2?


  • Full Fade: No gray spots on the gloves pattern
  • Better than average Fade: Only little gray spots on the gloves pattern
  • Average Fade: Grey spots on fingers, wrist and Tortue logo


Some Specialist Fade Gloves Full Fade patterns:

  • Pattern #6, #10, #11, #19, #20, #28, #29, #82

There's a total of 63 full fade patterns mentioned in the guide! Make sure to check out the rest of them.


We hope this helped you in your search for your special pair of Max Fade Specialist Gloves in CS2. For more content and additional guides, feel free to keep scrolling on our website.

Specialist Gloves Fade Full Fade Patterns
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