Best Galil Sandstorm Patterns in CS2

A guide about the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2

Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2

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Best Galil Sandstorm Patterns in CS2

A guide about the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2

Look through the guide to find the most interesting facts about the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2

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The Galil Sandstorm is made out of three different colors purple, white and tan. These three can appear mixed or only as one color and therefore the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2 are the purple, white and tan patterns.


The best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2 are:


  • Tier 1 Purple: Pattern #583, #761
  • Tier 1 White: Pattern #555, #449
  • Tier 1 Tan: Pattern #786, 783


We hope you found a stunning pattern that is to your liking and finally own one of the best Galil Sandstorm patterns in CS2, in your collection. For further details on Galil Sandstorms, make sure to check out the full guide down below and for more great CS2 skin guides, keep scrolling on our page.

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